Wednesday, April 18, 2007


The inscription above the building entrance reads:
"PORTERVILLE UNION HIGH SCHOOL - This building was erected by the people of Porterville Union High School district for the education of their boys and girls"

The dedication in the 1954 "El Granito" yearbook reads:

"The great white pillars, the smell of chalk dust, the sound of footsteps in an empty hall, we loved it all, every tiny part of it, for it was our school.

In the summer of 1952 the mountains that stand guard over our San Joaquin Valley, grew tired of the same scene. They moved a bit and the valley floor trembled and shook. We survived the shock and our building stood, but the bricks were loose and the mortar had turned to sand.. We moved from the building and left it deserted. Now it is gone forever, nothing left, except the shining image in our memory.

To our school, we dedicate, this, the 1954 El Granito. Through our book we wish to record the last days of that wonderful building that housed so much happiness and sadness through so many years."
It was an honor to be one of the last of the "boys and girls" to attend school in that building.
Thank you, Porterville Union High School district people.


Unknown said...

My family move up to Porterville in 1952 from Los Angeles.It was a delightful year we spent there.We rented a house from the Rutledge family.They took us hiking and to the hot springs and square dancing.It was so different from a big city.Names I remember...Darrel Daley,did he become a trumpet player??? we went steady!!!
Names I remember LouAnne and Renald,Jack and Dick Pennock,Nola Dalson,Anne Barber,Anne Paulson,Gary and Claton Fees and you Jim..My name was then Sandy Mac to see the photographs and good wishes to all the friends of childhood.At 17 I almost married Jack Pennock..but went to art school instead and on to NYC and other adventures..spent some time in Hawaii too lovely.Presently live in France and am an artist a painter.My sister Jackie played piano with Darrel.
Sandy (cassandra)

Jim and Carol Todd said...

Cassandra - Just updating my contact list. Hope you and Jackie are both doing well.
Jim Todd